Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Crinkle Cat Cave - Red Order Now

I see many reviews for the product based off a cats attention to it. Cats lose interest fast! You can't rely on a cat's reaction in order to rate a cat toy or in this case, a cave. :) Most reviews I see overall liked the product, but those who did not - based it on the cat. From what I've read and experienced by owning one for my cat Pixie, the product is made well and folds up nice. There isn't much more to the product itself besides the crinkling noise that may be annoying - which could then be passed as a negative on the product. My cat uses the crinkle cave constantly and she loves it. Her claws get stuck but not much damage to the product which is great! I won't have to purchase a new one for a while the way she "rough-houses" in it. I haven't had any issues with it and agree that it is made well, but I'd rethink those 2 and 3 star ratings as people tend to purchase on the stars without reading all reviews (who has that much time?). One thing I will say is the tunnel section can be a little tight for those larger cats, but I don't see a problem for the majority of medium size (7-10 lb.) out there. I have a plump kitty (12-13 lb) so I keep the tunnel off so she doesn't get stuck (if I'm not home). I believe this is more of a 4-5 star rating (myself giving a 5 because I like it so much), only bringing it down from perfect by a fraction due to the noise it creates. Even still, the name is "Crinkle Cave" - you have to expect noise! I'd advise you leave this in a room away from the bedroom if you're trying to sleep. Cats are nocturnal and if they're into the cave... you will hear it!Get more detail about Crinkle Cat Cave - Red.

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