Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cheap Double Kitty Shelf

Most of our windows have shelves for the cats to use but this one window near the wall heater doesn't and I thought it'd be nice to get some sort of cat perch--something I could move when I needed to get it out of the way, something I could put stuff under. Tried several other model and all were useless--our male is very long and weighs about 15 pounds--he walks on (not jumps) the other ones and they all start sinking off the windowsill. Since I'd had one like this one in the past (a past cat used it successfully), I thought maybe we'll use this one. However, I didn't want to drill holes into the windowsills (it's an old victorian building), and this shelf won't stay in place without drilling holes. The board is particle board and only about 1/4" thick--our boy would probably have ripped this thing to shreds fairly fast. The legs are metal (a plus) but the feet didn't secure the struts in position and every time the cat got on the platform, the legs started shifting downward slowly. I was afraid they'd collapse eventually and I really didn't want to have to invent some way of propping the legs in place. So it's now all leaning against a wall in the utility room. We bought a tall scratching post with a shelf/bed platform on top of the post--all really well made out of real heavy wood. The cats can scratch the post (with sisal rope), jump on the platform (and it doesn't move), go swinging around on it and the thing is sturdy enough so they feel totally secure. I can move it (yea, it's heavy but I can move it) when necessary. It works. Maybe for a smaller cat this shelf thing might be ok. Considering the shipping cost involved, it wasn't worth it to us since we can't even use it (but I may find some use for the parts--repurpose and all that).Get more detail about Double Kitty Shelf.

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