Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Caddis Extra Large Corner Bed with Bolster Best Quality

Like the title says my dog, Tank has not said one bad thing about this bed. He is 125 lbs and sleeps in this bed all of the time. I purchased it because I was tired of him sleeping in bed with me, He is big, he snores, he is a bed hog. So I dropped the money on this bed and it has been a great purchase. I had to coax him onto it the first use, but after that he didn't get off of it for about 15 hours. I have washed the cover, and the stuffing was hard to get back into it. but now it looks fluffier perhaps the cover shrunk a little. I put a folded up blanket underneath the bed for added padding. I'm not sure how much that helps but like I said Tank sleeps there every night. No longer in the bed or on the couch and I didn't have to tell him NO or anything he just never tried to get back onto the human areas once he had his own.Get more detail about Caddis Extra Large Corner Bed with Bolster.

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